The Quality Improvement Program
Born and Bred to Perform

Operating Purpose
The purpose of the PQHA Quality Improvement Program is to breed better Quarter Horses as well as to encourage the growth of the PQHA, its futurities, and provide promotion for stallion owners.
This is a special closed QIP futurity for participants only (owner and exhibitor must be PQHA members).
Stallion owners gain promotion for their stallions through the PQHA newsletter, website, and social media marketing with photos, videos and links to their web sites.
Stallion Nomination Process
Stallion owner to donate breeding to QIP to be purchased at 1/2 price of normal stud fee.
a. Breeding fee will be listed as advertised by stallion owner or a minimum of $400
(sell fee of $210) for unadvertised stallions and those listed as private treaty.
b. Any additional charges or fees charged by stallion owner (ie. chute fees, semen collection, semen transportation, etc.) must be included in any QIP advertisements.
PQHA QIP sells this breeding on a first come, first served basis. Stallion breeding’s are available to PQHA members only. If an interested mare owner is not a current PQHA Member, the mare owner must purchase an individual membership at time of breeding purchase.
a. The stallion owner has the right to reserve the breeding. In order to reserve a QIP
breeding stallion fee must be paid at time service is donated. Any breeding reserve must be designated in QIP advertisement.
Stallion owner is entitled to one free foal designation per donated breeding by that stallion, provided donated breeding is sold or purchased by stallion owner. This entry must be owned by the stallion owner and must be designated within the weanling year and remain the same designated horse through all classes shown. Stallion owner has the option to promote the ability to “buy-in” for any other foals that he or other mare owners chose to show by paying the nomination fee as listed below.
a. If the stallion owner chooses to sell this foal, the new owner would be responsible to pay a transfer fee of $75 to maintain the horse's eligibility in QIP.
Breeding Purchase and Foal Enrollment Procedures
Stallion breedings will be sold as they are donated, on a first-come/first-served basis starting Oct 1 through July 1 of each year. The QIP Chairperson cannot make recommendations to the mare owner concerning the choice of a stallion for a particular mare.
a. The stallion owner has the right to reserve the breeding. In order to reserve a QIP
breeding stallion fee must be paid at time service is donated. Any breeding reserve must be designated in QIP advertisement.
Mare owners may purchase the donated breeding for 1/2 price or breeder designated amount, if stallion is not reserved. The resulting foal is automatically eligible for the QIP futurity for all three classes without paying "buy-in" fee, but $75 entry fee will be required for each class/year showing.
Mares must be registered with the AQHA or eligible to produce an AQHA registered foal (i.e. Jockey Club registered = Appendix AQHA) and must be halter broken.
The stallion owner may require a veterinary certificate and/or tests such as culture, Coggins, etc.
Any incident, illness or mishap to the mare is the responsibility of the mare owner.
The purchaser of this service shall have return privileges in season (February 1 through August 31).
A live foal is guaranteed only to the extent of return the following year of the same mare or if stallion owner approves, a substitute mare.
Payment for a stallion service in the QIP is an obligation. Proof of payment must be received within 24 hours and formal payment in full must be honored within 5 days. Failure to do so will result in the breeding becoming available to the next interested party.
All resulting foals by the stallion enrolled into the QIP program and foaled the same year as foal resulting from breeding sold are eligible to enter the QIP futurity (provided said stallion service is sold or paid by stallion owner), by paying a "buy-in" fee.
“Buy-in" fees will be added to the QIP monies.
The "buy-in" fee enables the foal owner to remain enrolled for all eligible years in the program, after “buying-in”.
Buy-In Enrollment will be open from Jan 1 until the Annual PQHA Futurity Show each year.
Buy In Fee Schedule:
Weanling Year - $100
Yearling Year - $175
2yr Old Year - $250
3yr Old Year - $300
If an enrolled QIP foal is sold, the new owner must complete a “QIP Transfer” to be eligible to show in futurity classes. This will be completed by submitting the PQHA QIP Enrolled Foal Transfer Form and paying $75 transfer fee to PQHA.
QIP Futurity Classes and Payout Procedure
The QIP Futurity will be held in conjunction with, but not combined with, the PQHA Futurity. AQHA Registration or Breeder's Certificate for nominated foals must be presented prior to showing in the QIP Futurity.
QIP Classes will consist of:
Weanling Halter Fillies
Weanling Halter Colts/Geldings
Western Yearling Longeline
Hunter Yearling Longeline
3 year old Western Pleasure Futurity
3 yr old Hunter Under Saddle Futurity
3 yr old Ranch Riding Stakes
Disbursement of monies
26% to stallion owners (Available monies to be paid according to placings of each stallion's offspring in each QIP class.)
74% QIP Futurity payback divided as follows:
20% Weanling Division (split between colts/fillies classes)
36% Yearling Division (split between Hunter/Western classes)
44% 3yr Old Division (split between HUS/WP/RR classes)
Roll-over of Payout Monies
In the case of no entries in a particular class in a given year, pay-out money will be earmarked as QIP in the general PQHA club checking and used to support QIP needs in the following year. Money will be designated but not limited to supporting the following items: class added money, operating needs, supporting awards/gifts for program partners (stallion owners & sponsors), etc.
Review of Operating Procedures
The assigned PQHA QIP Committee and Board will review these operating procedures annually to ensure their accuracy or more frequently as required for programs updates and changes.
Disputes and Conflict Resolution
Any dispute which might arise that is not covered in these procedures shall be resolved by the PQHA Board of Directors and PQHA QIP Committee Chairmen. It is understood that PQHA serves only as a broker in arranging QIP breeding’s. The responsibility for a contract rests between the mare owner and the stallion owner. Any hardship cases will be judged individually by the PQHA Board of Directors.